Cultivation and processing of seedlings ​

Spruce | Pine | Birch

​ All seedlings cultivated by Fin Forelia are potted seedlings. Potted seedlings have a superior chance of success compared to bare rooted seedlings. At Fin Forelia we take into account the requirements of different environments and geographical areas.
The pot types chosen for cultivation have been carefully selected. The current efficient soil preparation methods favour smaller pot sizes; using these results in an active root system and so the seedling is quicker to settle where planted.
The company also conducts it’s own research on the success of seedlings in the forest. This provides us with valuable information that we can pass on to our customers regarding the beneficial properties of different pot types.
The seedlings are cultivated so that they get the best possible prerequisites for growth for the whole of their life cycle. The number one priority for Fin Forelia is the quality of seedling cultivation. To achieve the highest quality, we use a number of special techniques, these techniques are not provided by some of the other seedlings suppliers in the market.

  • The seeds we use are of the highest quality available from each origin. Bred seeds produce higher quality seedlings with a greater growth potential. ​
  • As the cultivation tray, we use the market leader Plantek hard plastic trays . ​
  • With years of experience in perfecting cultivation and irrigation practices, the seedlings grow healthy and robust. ​
  • Short-day treatment is given to the majority of seedlings. This treatment makes seedlings sturdier and will accelerate their growth at the time of planting.
  • The seedlings are fertilized well into the autumn, so that they have the required nutrients available for growth when they are planted.
  • All seedlings cultivated for Southern and Central Finland and are given the most modern protection against pine weevil. This treatment can also be given to seedlings delivered to other areas when requested by the customer.
  • The majority of Fin Forelia’s seedlings are stored in cardboard boxes in freezer warehouses, which allows weeks of flexibility for seedling logistics and planting time frames. 

Processing and storage of seedlings

Frozen seedlings ​

Temporary storage ​

  • The storage area needs to be sheltered and in shade. ​
  • Remove the plastic wrap around the pallets.​
  • Place the seedling boxes so that air is allowed to circulate between the boxes.
  • Open the air vents / handles.

Storing in the forest ​

  • The storage area needs to be sheltered from frost and in shade.​
  • Place the seedling boxes so that air is allowed to circulate between the boxes.
  • Open the boxes, so that the seedlings get light.
  • Check on the humidity of the seedlings, and water them as needed.

Storage and thawing time ​

  • The goal when calculating the storage and thawing time of the frozen seedlings is that the seedlings are planted before they start to grow again, so that they are still in their hibernation period.
  • For the frozen seedlings to thaw, it takes from a couple days to a around a  week depending on the temperature, taking longer for the root balls in the middle of the boxes to thaw.
  • Frozen seedlings need to be planted within 3 weeks of being out of the freezer. ​

Before planting​

  • Do not plant frozen or dry seedlings! ​
  • Make sure, that the root balls have thawed. ​
  • Water the seedlings before planting, if needed.​
  • The correct moisture level is when water drips out of the root ball, when squeezing it gently. ​

Unfrozen seedlings (autumn)

Temporary storage ​

  • Make sure someone is available to receive the seedlings.
  • Make sure water is available during the planting for watering.
  • Open the boxes and air vents immediately after receiving the seedlings. Unfrozen seedlings dont last longer than 24h in the closed box.
  • Store the opened boxes in shade to addapt the seedlings.
  • Keep the root plug wet until the seedling has been planted.
  • dont keep watered seedlings in the box longer than one week deu to the risk of mould.

Storing in the forest ​

  • Take only as many seedlings that you can plant in one day, from the storage. Keep the rest watered.
  • Avoid unnecessary transportation of seedlings.​

Before planting​

  • Water the seedlings just before planting.​
  • The correct moisture level is when water drips out of the root ball, when squeezing it gently. ​
  • Handle the unfozen seedlings with extra care.​

Cultivation systems ​

​ All Fin Forelia’s seedlings are grown in Plantek and BCC hard plastic trays. With the different pot sizes, different seedling species are guaranteed the optimal growing density so that they grow sturdy and robust. Using big enough pots gives a clear advantage to the seedlings.
An open container structure with open grooves prevents the roots system from twisting and ensures the that the root ball stays intact. All our seedlings, including the Silver Birch, can be planted using planting tubes.

Machine planting ​

Fin Forelia Oy has a long history of cultivating seedlings for machine planting.
Our best suitable seedlings for usage with the current technology planting machines are the 1-year old and 2-year old mid-sized Norwegian Spruces and 1-year old mid-sized Scots Pines.
Our advance technical capabilities ensure cultivation of seedligs that allows us to quarantee supply for the whole of the machine planting season. ​


​ The best forests grow out of top quality seeds.
The benefits of using breeded seeds from seed orchards compared to using stand seeds (source identified):
  • Best properties of the chosen plus trees.​
  • Better quality; thinner branches, straighter branch angle.​
  • More than 20 % higher volume growth. ​
  • Shorter rotation time.
  • Greater log portion.​

Day dergee map